Let's see why in SEO, the qualitative aspect (in particular articles, guest posts or translations) is so important to effectively structure your online marketing actions . CONTENT IS KING Google has always aimed to provide users with the best results for each search. To be considered of quality, the content of a web page must be complete , exhaustive , well structured and relevant to what the user searched for via the search engine. usable by those who read it and appreciated by Google, which aims to return results that can effectively respond to users' needs.
The quality of content is therefore the factor that can most influence the success of a WhatsApp Number List digital strategy . BUT WHAT IS “THE BEST CONTENT”? The concept of “best” is certainly a subjective concept when the judge is a human being. When the judge is an algorithm , however, the situation changes. Good content capable of ranking well on Google is a text that must address the topic in a comprehensive and professional manner . An article dedicated to green tea, for example, cannot report a generic title, such as.
Green tea", and then simply say that this drink is good for your health. An exhaustive text, depending on its purposes, will have to talk about free radicals, catechins, cultivation, water retention, theine, caffeine, matcha tea, benefits, contraindications and all the other aspects that are linked to this topic and that could be interesting for the reader. To understand if a topic is exhausted, it is necessary to analyze the main keyword , identify all the related ones, interests.