In addition to a wealth of amusing content, the brandalso ended up with a wealth of eye-catching ketchup bottle designs to use asadvertising assets across channels. These visuals earned healthy levels ofengagement and showcased Heinz’s creative use of modern digital technologies.Nike creates rapport with its audience using emotionally-driven technologyWorld-leading sports brand Nike celebrated for its mold-breaking approach todigital marketing. As a true innovator in its field, Nike uses AI technology togive its various digital advertising campaigns added emotional depth. Using.
AItechnology to analyze the emotional intelligence and traits of particularC Level Executive List audience segments, Nike crafts its ad content that gets under the skin of itsconsumers and creates compelling narratives that offer the best possible returnon investment ROI. The likes of Serena Williams’ sports clothing apparel launchand inspirational celebration of women in sport were developed and implementedwith the help of AI-powered emotional analysis technology—which serves as a keydriver of the brand’s ongoing success. Rather than just simply trying to use AIto churn out content, let's use the AI to build tools that make yours a reallyvaluable site to visit and offer people something that they cannot geteasily.Will Francis.

Coca-Cola's creative AI platform Image of cat in spacesuit with a Coke bottleImage of cat in spacesuit with a Coke bottle Iconic brand Coca-Cola has broadenedits AI marketing scope with the introduction of its very own consumer-facingAI-powered creative platform. Developed in collaboration with OpenAI and Bain& Company, Coca-Cola has taken its AI-driven marketing efforts to the nextlevel by immersing its international audience in the creative process. Usingthis innovative new platform, called Create Real Magic, fans are encouraged tointeract with the brand on an ultra-personal level by creating their very ownAI-powered creative artwork to potentially feature in official Coca-Colaadvertising campaigns. This incredibly immersive use of AI is the perfectintersection between the application of autonomous technologies and thewell-crafted use of user-generated content UCG. A testament to the brand’s ongoinginnovation. Speaking on the subject, Global chief marketing officer ManoloArroyo said: We see many applications of AI — including content creation andrapid iteration, hyper-personalizing content and messaging for consumers andcustomers, and driving two-way conversations with consumers.HubSpot’s internalAI marketing team’s use case transparency