In the case of the image above, the user receives a source update that has just been added to their product. based on actions taken by the user on the site. What you need to know is, no one manually sends emails to everyone. Some examples of automated campaigns include cart abandonment emails, order confirmations, welcome emails, and others. In essence, in an email marketing strategy, you have to target some. Most of your emails to automate — because they're triggered by customer actions.
They're more likely to be timely and relevant. Lifecycle Campaigns: Accelerate Your Sal British Student Phone Number List his is my favorite part of the email marketing strategy chapter — campaign planning. In this step, you'll design a through the digital marketing funnel. To do this, you need four types of campaigns. These four campaigns will: Welcome subscribers and get them to take their first important action Convert subscribers into customers.

Re-engage subscribers who have dropped out of the funnel Keep them Keep your list clean/not full. Pay attention, when I say four campaigns in an email marketing strategy, I don't mean four emails. Each of these campaigns will likely have several emails in it. Let's talk about them. ONBOARDING CAMPAIGNS Trigger: This email marketing campaign strategy will be sent as soon as a subscriber joins your list or signs up for your product. Goal: You will use an onboarding campaign to try to get subscribers to take an important action.